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 अभ्यासवैराग्याभ्यां तन्निरोध In der Balance aus Anstrengung und Gelassenheit wird der Zustand des Yoga erreicht.

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Bericht von unseren Projektpartnern in Indien:

Im Januar 2016 war ich in Indien und habe Pfr. Julian und seine Hilfsorganisation besucht. Unser Anjali Hilfsprojekt konnte durch die finanzielle Unterstützung von Yogakursteilnehmer/Innen, privaten Sponsoren und den Verkauf von Taschen und Yogakissen die in der Nähwerkstatt vor Ort angefertigt wurden, und nicht zuletzt durch den Ertrag des Kunstprojektes 50/50 im Durlacher Rathaus, einen relevanten Betrag an Pfr. Julian übergeben. Diese Mittel sind (im Gegensatz zu den Patenschaften für indische Witwen und Kinder) nicht zweckgebunden, sondern können dort eingesetzt werden wo die Not am größten ist. Hier der Bericht von Julian über die Verwendung:

Anjali Sponsorship Program

MTRDS is sponsoring 19 children and 4 widows with the help of Anjali Yoga School. Natalie collects the amount from different donors and sends it to MTRDS. MTRDS distribute this amount to them in the month of June every year before school starts.  From the money the children get school education and some are getting lodging in a hostel. This year MTRDS distributed to 19 members. MTRDS  is keeping close contact to the children and widows and every year the children and widows  are invited for lunch and they write letters to the sponsors in Germany.

Medical help to Shankar and family:

Shankar is a private employee he has got 2 children (boy and girl).  Both the children could not move their legs and hands. He went to so many hospitals, but they could not cure them. Finally one doctor from Hyderabad suggested him that the entire family (4 members) undergoes for a medical test. It costs Rs.33000/- (EURO 472) per one person and total Rs.132000/- (EURO 1888). Natalie came forward to help this family by sending EURO 1000- to medical test for 2 members. MTRDS gave the same to the Shankar and family.

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School Sanitation at Narketpalli primary School:
The primary school children of Narketpalli have toilets but no water connection. So the school director approached to build a water pump with mortar connection. With our support from Anjali sponsorship the water connection is working now to use the toilets.

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Drinking water facility:

1.    Fr.Dhanraj – Pillalamarri: Fr. Dhanraj established a Yoga and Meditation centre at Pillalamarri Village, Mahaboobnagar District. There was no water facility. He has asked MTRDS to help to dig a bore well and a pump set for water. MTRDS helped him from the donation collected by Natalie, Anjali Yoga School, Germany. Not only the center, but also the poor villagers are getting drinking water.

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2.    Fr. Martin – Raghunadapalem: Fr. Martine from Raghunadapalem said that the people of this village suffering for water.  Fr. Martin asked donation to dig bore well in the village. MTRDS helped them to dig bore well from Anjali sponsorship program.

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 3.    Ravipadu village community: The Ravipadu village people are suffering for drinking water. One of the Village members helping for storage tank. They asked donation from MTRDS. MTRDS also helped them from Anjali sponsorship program.

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Education help to Poor and needy:

MTRDS helped 17 students who came and asked for their education from Anjali sponsorship program.

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Room Painting in poor state school Nalgonda District:

Anjali Yoga School Germany donated the wall painting of a poor state school in Nalgonda district. The school is very old and in a in a miserable condition. Natalie personally visited that school. She decided together with Fr.Julian to give the school new paintings. Now the school looks beautiful and bright, and the children are happy in their new classroom.

Before painting:

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After painting:

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Play material to Narketpalli and Akkenapalli Primary schools:

There are no play materials in primary schools of Narketpalli and Akkenapalli. Natalie personally visited these schools in January 2016, and suggested MTRDS to provide play material from Anjali sponsorship program. Now the children are playing joyfully.

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Email von Fr. Julian, April 2016

“Dear Natalie
I am attaching the report with the class room painting pictures and your loved children sitting there with beautiful pictures and letters around. Thanks a lot to you and to all the collaborators in the Yoga school, supporting our poor people. With all the best wishes
Julian “

report 20


Ihre Hilfe kommt an

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